Sunday, January 7, 2007

Get Morphed

It's very late on Saturday night. Actually, the hand has passed the midnight hour, and later this morning we will worship Our Lord. I wonder what you're doing? What are you thinking? If you're reading this it's either because you know me and I've asked you to check this out and let me know what you think. Or, you're bored. Or, you're seeking answers. Either way, I'm glad you're here.

Over the next weeks, months, and prayerfully years, I am going to be writing some posts that I hope will stimulate your thinking. Perhaps, they will prick your heart and/or motivate you to action.

You see, the Bible says, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus." Now, transformation comes from the greek word morphos which means to change. It is meant to change from what what now is.

It is the picture of the butterfly. Once a crawling fleshy fat caterpillar, in it's coccoon it morphs into a delicate winged creature of unequalled beauty and grace. It's weight is but a breath and it's movement surreal flight from stem to stem. That's transformation.

Conformation, on the other hand, is a picture of an unshapen mass of pliability pressed or poured into a mold and cast and cured until dried. Once removed it has taken on every characteristic of the mold with all of it's flaws and imperfections. Oft times after unmolding it cracks and breaks apart because of the imperfections seen and unseen below it's surfaces. When this happens it is cast away like so much garbage.

God wishes for us to be transformed, or morphed. Changed if you will, from something that we once were; sinners, into something that now is; christians. From damnation and hell once our destiny; into heaven and eternal life our salvation.

In the days ahead, I will write posts that hopfully will lead you to a place where you can surrender your all. If you've already taken that step, then hopefully you will find mental and spiritual food to feed your soul to help you grow and produce much fruit while together we wait the return of our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, The Annointed One.

Peace unto you and yours.

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